Home Blogs Improving your Wellbeing: From our Mental Health Ambassadors

Improving your Wellbeing: From our Mental Health Ambassadors


This year’s BRIT challenge focuses on wellbeing. The mental health ambassadors at the university wanted to share some ways to improve wellbeing as a student.



1. Explore the world around you

There’s lots of benefits to spending time outdoors and in nature, from reducing loneliness and stress to improving confidence. You could engage with nature by gardening, or bird watching, or smelling the flowers. If exercise is more your thing going for a run or bike ride in nature is a great way to support your wellbeing. Meditating or taking part in other mindfulness exercises in nature can also help reduce stress and improve your wellbeing.


2. Sleep well

Make sure you are getting enough sleep by setting regular sleep and wake cycles. Spend time to wind down before bed to make sure you can get a good night’s sleep, this could be by spending some time reading, reducing screen time or doing a relaxing activity before bed. If you find it hard to relax before bed, it can help to write a to-do list for the next day to help you to switch off and relax.


3. Social time

Spending regular time with friends, family and pets is important for wellbeing, as well as having alone time to relax and do things you want to do. Make sure you have time to catch up with the people close to you and plan things you enjoy, as well as taking opportunities to meet new people.


4. Spend time doing things you enjoy

Its easy to forget to spend time relaxing and doing enjoyable activities when you are at university. Spending lots of time studying is essential… but so is making sure you have regular breaks. Picking up an old hobby, or learning something new is a great way to have a break from study – or you could try playing a game, volunteering or playing an instrument.


If you want to meet some new people in a laid-back setting, you could join the mental health ambassadors who host a variety of settings on campus, email peersupport@chi.ac.uk or follow the @chiuniwellbeing Instragram page for updates.

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